OpenStack4j > Documentation / DNS (Designate) V2

DNS Service (Designate) V2

NOTE: The examples in this guide assume you have authenticated

The DNS (Designate) V2 service is a multi-tenant DNSaaS service for OpenStack.


Creating Zones

Zone zone = os.dns().zones().create(

Querying for Zones

Find all Zones

List<? extends Zone> zoneList = os.dns().zones().list();

Find a specific Zone

Zone zone = os.dns().zones().get(<zoneId>);

Updating a Zone

This example will change the description of the existing zone to Updated zone description. by looking up the zone and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

Zone zone = os.dns().zones().get(<zoneId>);
if (zone != null)
    zone = os.dns().zones().update(zone.toBuilder().description("Updated zone description.").build());

Deleting a Zone

This example will delete an existing zone specified by UUID



Creating a Recordset

Recordset recordset = os.dns().recordsets().create(

Querying for Recordsets

Find all recordsets owned by project

List<? extends Recordset> recordsetList = os.dns().recordsets().list();

Find all recordsets in a zone

List<? extends Recordset> recordsetListZone = os.dns().recordsets().list(<zoneId>);

Find a specific recordset

// Find in a zone by UUID
Recordset recordsetById = os.dns().recordsets().get(<zoneId>,<recordsetId>);

Updating a Recordset

This example will change the description of the existing recordset to Updated recordset description. by looking up the recordset and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

Recordset recordset = os.dns().recordsets().get(<zoneId>,<recordsetId>);
if (recordset != null)
    recordset = os.dns().recordsets().update(recordset.toBuilder().description("Updated recordset description.").build());

Deleting a Recordset

This example will delete an existing recordset specified by UUID
